Materials: housing and adjusting nut 4340 per ams6415, eye bolt 4330m perbms 7-122, pin 302 cres per qq-w-423, retaining plate 302 cres per qq-s-766, ball 440c cres rc58-62 per qq-s-763, spring 17-7ph/302 cres per ams5673/qq-s-763; heat treat 4330m to 220-240 ksi per bac5617, 17-7ph to ch900 per ams5673, 4340 to 150-170 ksi per bac5617; finish: 4330m cadmium-titanium per bac5804 0.0003 to 0.0005 thick cres-passivate per qq-p-35, 4340-cad plate per qq-p-416, type ii, class 3, adjusting nut-dry film lube per mil-l-8937; capable of operating in a temperature environment of -60fto 300f degrees; fatigue life 500 pounds to 5, 000 pounds for 100, 000 cycles with 95 percent confidence and 95 percent reliability; magnetic particle inspect: 4330m per bac5424, class a non-critical, 4340 per bac5424, class c