Head-up Display Units - Page 2 of 3
51 part numbers
NSN 1270-01-333-3608
Cross Reference:
f-16c&d aircraft block 40/60 end application
NSN 1270-01-361-9240
Cross Reference:
f-15e aircraft end application
cathode ray tube display type
rack mounted unit design
1553 interface type
wide field of view (wfov) hud; to 5n29-18-4 special features
NSN 1270-01-385-0603
Cross Reference:
ZC8-81-202/005, ZC8-81-202-5-5
pacer dawn idf end application
patriot, surface to air missile end application
NSN 1270-01-411-6313
Cross Reference:
27.245 inches overall length
7.250 inches overall width
f-16c/d end application
cathode ray tube display type
rack mounted unit design
pacer dawn idf end application
feat criticality code justification
electrostatic discharge sensitive special features
f-15s/i end application
cathode ray tube display type
rack mounted unit design
1553 interface type
f-16 acft end application
NSN 1270-01-444-0550
Cross Reference:
sep 2gen a2 tank end application
f-15i end application
display assembly, heads up special features
NSN 1270-01-455-4501
Cross Reference:
preprovisioning support navicp is poe end application
f-16c/d block 40 end application
cathode ray tube display type
rack mounted unit design
1553 interface type
f-16c/d block 50 end application
cathode ray tube display type
rack mounted unit design
1553 interface type
terminals/contacts gold precious material and location
f-16c/d block 30 end application
cathode ray tube display type
rack mounted unit design
1553 interface type
terminals/contacts gold precious material and location
f-16 aircraft simulator end application
liquid crystal display type
NSN 1270-01-463-7405
Cross Reference:
213A636, V9517670
an/avq-28 head-up display unit end application
used on p/n 34700-39 and 37400-39a/ special features
an/avq-28 head-up display unit end application
used on p/n 34700-39b/ special features
NSN 1270-01-493-2300
Cross Reference:
122000, ID-2394/A
cathode ray tube display type
rack mounted unit design
1553 interface type
ef-18 aircraft end application
NSN 1270-01-560-0571
Cross Reference:
f-16c/d blks 50/52 end application
agav criticality code justification
f-16c/d aircraft end application
agav criticality code justification
f-16c/d blks 30/32 end application
agav criticality code justification
abg385 bb3 end application
sight display unit, integrated special features