Antenna Subassemblies - Page 30 of 47
1174 part numbers
rad c antenna end application
rad c antenna end application
0.750 inches overall width
1 bracket component type and quantity
radar 12.15 boresite end application
detector board special features
radar 12.15 boresite end application
encoder board special features
polarizer feedhorn assembly special features
antenna, direction finder/finding end application
an/tmq-44 (v) 1 unit 50, antenna assembly end application
120.000 inches overall length
1 antenna and 1 base component type and quantity
36.900 inches overall length
used w/manpack radio xceivers, prc-1088 end application
1 antenna and 1 base component type and quantity
2.4 mbo feeds assembly antenna end application
2.4 mbo feeds assembly antenna end application