Special Features
The fopx separator has no gravity discs; continuous electronic monitoring of water content in the leaned oil by the water transducer wt 200 and epc-400 control unit; all limits points in the system are set in the epc control unit; no adjustment of the separator or individualsensors are needed; virtually no oil losses; controlled supply of displacement water; separator adapted for the alfa laval cip system
General Description
Media: mineral oil; media temperature: max. 110 degrees c; operating pressure: max. 600 kpa (6 bar); testing pressure: max. 1000 kpa (10 bar); enclosure: 1p 65; cable connection: pr 22, 5/pg 13, 5 for cable phase 12, 5-15, 0; ambient temperature, connection box: max. 70 degrees c; flange standard: acc. To din 2633 and jis b2213; material, body: pressure vessel steel; electrode: stainless steel; o-rings: viton; insulators: ptfe; connection box: aluminum; weight: 7 kg; dimensions: see dimension drawing; mount style: see dimension drawing