Oscilloscope Subassemblies - Page 5 of 8
180 part numbers
NSN 6625-00-810-0827
Cross Reference:
2.532 inches overall length
1.532 inches overall height
1.412 inches overall width
1 resistor and 1 switch component type and quantity
NSN 6625-00-810-0828
Cross Reference:
3.156 inches overall length
1.532 inches overall height
1.412 inches overall width
2 capacitor and 5 resistor and 1 switch component type and quantity
NSN 6625-00-810-0829
Cross Reference:
11.906 inches overall length
1.531 inches overall height
1.406 inches overall width
4 capacitor and 4 resistor and 1 switch component type and quantity
NSN 6625-00-810-0830
Cross Reference:
10.563 inches overall length
1.938 inches overall height
1.563 inches overall width
14 resistor and 1 switch component type and quantity
NSN 6625-00-810-0831
Cross Reference:
11.188 inches overall length
2.312 inches overall height
1.781 inches overall width
3.000 inches overall length
1.500 inches overall diameter
3 capacitor and 1 resistor and 1 switch component type and quantity
mounting configuration: bushing mounted special features
2.875 inches overall length
1.625 inches overall height
1.562 inches overall width
3 resistor and 1 switch component type and quantity
6.500 inches overall length
0.750 inches overall height
5.000 inches overall width
6.500 inches overall length
0.750 inches overall height
4.750 inches overall width
6.500 inches overall length
0.750 inches overall height
4.750 inches overall width
6.500 inches overall length
0.750 inches overall height
4.750 inches overall width
NSN 6625-00-856-5064
Cross Reference:
166DN, 1804A7, H02-166DN, MX2962USM
12.250 inches overall length
4.625 inches overall height
6.000 inches overall width
NSN 6625-00-877-9487
Cross Reference:
7.750 inches overall length
3.000 inches overall height
3.500 inches overall width
NSN 6625-00-893-1614
Cross Reference:
4.125 inches overall length
1.562 inches overall height
2.937 inches overall width
aircraft, eagle f-15 end application
feat criticality code justification
1.750 inches overall length
1.531 inches overall height
1.750 inches overall width
2 capacitor and 4 resistor component type and quantity
7.000 inches overall length
1.375 inches overall height
3.500 inches overall width
NSN 6625-00-907-8350
Cross Reference:
4.812 inches overall length
9.000 inches overall height
3.125 inches overall width
6.000 inches overall length
10.875 inches overall height
4.625 inches overall width
12.500 inches overall length
6.000 inches overall height
6.875 inches overall width
19.360 inches overall height
between 6.485 inches and 6.515 inches overall width