Special Features
Power supply: 95-240 v ac, 47-64 hz, 100 w; 110 vac ceilometer; measurment range: 12, 500 to 25, 000 ft (selectable); resolution: 12.5 ft; accuracy: +/-20 ft; cloud layers: up to 4, base and depth; measurement cycle: configurable to 30, 60, or 120 second sampling per reporting interval; can be set to 180 sec. When no clouds detected; operating temp: -40?C to +60?C; storage temp; -50?C to +70?C; relative humidity: 0-100%, condensing; laser: lidar: ingaas, pulsed diode; wave length: 905 +/- 10nm; pulse width: 50ns; collector type: si avalanch photodiode, variable gain, temp compensated; optics: side by side