+0.0/+1.0 inches and +0.0/+30.0 pounds and -31.0/+0.0 inches absolute pressure below barometer and +250.0/+750.0 miles per hour air speed and +200.0/+600.0 knots air speed and -1000.0/+30000.0 feet of altitude and +1000.0/+80000.0 feet of altitude and +3000.0/+80000.0 feet of altitude
Tubing Outside Diameter
0.500 inches
Receptacle Type
Scale Smallest Increment
0.1 inches and 0.1 pounds and 0.1 inches and 1.0 miles per hour and 1.0 knots and 1000.0 feet
Connection Type
Elastic tubing
Connection Facility Type
Connection Location
Lower left hand side and lower back
Parallax Eliminating Feature
Not provided
Indicating Liquid For Which Designed
Indicating Liquid
Not provided
Control Valve
Not provided
Equalizing Valve
Not provided
Mounting Provision For Which Designed
Reference Number Differentiating Characteristics
As differentiated by operating pressure, scale range, scale smallest increment, parallax eliminating feature, indicating liquid for which designed, and indicating liquid