Radio Receiving Sets
45 part numbers
airborne installation design
aircraft vehicle for which designed
26.0 volts ac voltage rating
27.5 volts dc voltage rating
400.0 hertz frequency rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
jetds accessory controlling agency
115.0 volts ac voltage rating
26.5 volts dc voltage rating
between 320.0 hertz and 1700.0 hertz frequency rating
radio receiver joint electronics type designation system item name
r-322/arn-18 joint electronics type designation system item type number
NSN 5826-00-402-5318
Cross Reference:
26.0 volts ac voltage rating
27.5 volts dc voltage rating
400.0 hertz frequency rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
jetds accessory controlling agency
27.5 volts dc voltage rating
20 channel quantity
3 accessory component quantity
p9 emission type
1 channel quantity
NSN 5826-00-503-4959
Cross Reference:
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
radio receiver joint electronics type designation system item name
type an-r-322/arn-18 joint electronics type designation system item type number
not included internal battery accommodation
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
radio receiver joint electronics type designation system item name
r-332a/arn-18 joint electronics type designation system item type number
not included internal battery accommodation
ruggedized tubes special features
26.500 volts ac voltage rating
270.0 volts dc voltage rating
400.000 megahertz frequency rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
technical manual document type
NSN 5826-00-519-4020
Cross Reference:
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
radio receiver joint electronics type designation system item name
type no. an-r-322a/arn-18 joint electronics type designation system item type number
not included internal battery accommodation
NSN 5826-00-520-8397
Cross Reference:
MN100A, R746AR
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
receiver, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
type no. r-322b/arn-18 joint electronics type designation system item type number
operating electrical power source relationship
not included internal battery accommodation
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
80049 document source
technical order document type
t.o. 12r5-2arn30-1 document identification
1 component document page number
115.0 volts ac voltage rating
26.5 volts dc voltage rating
400.0 hertz frequency rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
jetds accessory controlling agency
27.5 volts dc voltage rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
jetds accessory controlling agency
receiving set, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
an/arn-32 joint electronics type designation system item type number
NSN 5826-00-620-3194
Cross Reference:
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
operating electrical power source relationship
not included internal battery accommodation
emission type: f3d special features
NSN 5826-00-721-0168
Cross Reference:
522-2873-004, ANARN67
6.3 volts 1st operating power rqmt ac voltage rating
26.5 volts 1st operating power rqmt dc voltage rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
receiving set, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
an/arn-6t joint electronics type designation system item type number
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
receiving set, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
type no. an/arn-3 (d) joint electronics type designation system item type number
not included internal battery accommodation
NSN 5826-00-752-6013
Cross Reference:
MN100A1, R746AARA54
115.0 volts ac voltage rating
27.5 volts dc voltage rating
400.0 hertz frequency rating
receiver, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
type no. r-746a/ara54 joint electronics type designation system item type number
NSN 5826-00-892-1056
Cross Reference:
28.0 volts dc voltage rating
1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 accessory component quantity
jetds accessory controlling agency
receiving set, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
an/arn-30e joint electronics type designation system item type number
NSN 5826-00-921-6389
Cross Reference:
an/arn-5 (v) end application
airborne installation design
glideslope/marker beacon receiving set functional description
NSN 5826-01-016-2761
Cross Reference:
receiving set, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
an/arn-12 (v) 2 joint electronics type designation system item type number
NSN 5826-01-016-2762
Cross Reference:
receiving set, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
an/arn-12 (v) 1 joint electronics type designation system item type number
NSN 5826-01-058-6800
Cross Reference:
26.0 volts ac voltage rating
27.5 volts dc voltage rating
400.0 hertz frequency rating
receiving set, radio joint electronics type designation system item name
an/arn-12 (v) 3 joint electronics type designation system item type number